Tiagra gear indicators: What do they actually show?

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New Member
That is a great question....... I have no idea.


what gear indicators? Maybe my Tiagra-equipped bike is too old for me to know what you are on about. :biggrin:


Senior Member
The little red line thingies on top of the shifters. There's a sight glass type affair, with what appears to be two marks on it, then through the glass there's a red indicator thing that moves.

Could I be more vague and describe that in an even more badly worded manner?. :biggrin:


Hi RSV - they show the gear your in.

They dont have indications ie

..they just have 2 lines - like when i'm in the 3rd cog from the left the indicator on the right will be on the line - as its the gear i mostly start off in, from the lights, so I can jab the lever up to then.

Its a 50/50 bit of help: I reckon they're a help not a hinder.

So to be intricate:

The right STi will show the indicator moving to the left as the gear gets harder.

I'm not sure which way the indicator goes on the Left STi.

Still, I like them and they should be on more groupsets!

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
Essentially they move with the amount of cable tension taken up/released. As I recall both move to the left (as you look at them sitting on the bike) for higher gears, and to the right for lower. (I'll check this on the ride tomorrow).

Pace yenrod, I find them useless, and would much prefer a sleeker, windowless lever a la 105 and upwards.


Über Member
Bit of a gimmick really make sure you put something under them if you upend the bike as they scratch very easy.
The one on the left saves you looking down to see which front tripple ring you are on if you loose the plot.


dodgy said:
It's to allow other riders to clearly see you're using a noob group set :eek:
Hehehe :biggrin:
Maz said:
It's a gear indicator, but it's a bit of a gimmick, tbh.

I used to have something similar (if not identical). Don't think I ever found it useful. You can feel what gear you're in with your legs - no need to look is there.
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