Those long days and shorts nights

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Legendary Member
London, UK
Those times of the year, the three seasons, when the days are short, how I long for those long days.

I tell myself "if only the day was longer, then I would go riding long into the evening."

And now that the long days are here, I cannot get myself to go out. Am I thinking I cannot be bothered to shower afterwards? Am I thinking I have to goto work early the following morning? Are these just excuses?

I used to ride in long evenings, enjoying the slightly cool wind as I whiz through the air, watching people out and about, going for walks or enjoying the pub. Yet these days, I can't seem to be bothered.

I yearn to go, I want to go, but those nagging thoughts are telling me to stay home, enjoy the easy life. You don't have to change clothes, get the bike out then shower in the evening. Besides, you've been out on the bike already.

If I was on holiday right now, maybe I would go for an evening ride. I have done that plenty of times. But today, these days, right now, and with the thought of having to goto sleep in an hour, the will to ride just isn't there.

It's a thought that whirls in my head. If I don't go, I will regret it. In years to come, I will think back to today and wonder why I didn't ride. Why did I think about work the next day, why was I so fixated on being pragmatic.


At least I'll go on the bike tomorrow morning, even though it's a commute and I have work to do at the end of it. Oh how I will look forward to the ride back home!


The dreary weather doesn't help either.Ive just got back from a bike ride and was grey overcast and chilly.


Legendary Member
Thursday evening should be a cracker for a ride. I’ve cleared my diary for it. Weather forecast good and Ingerlund playing.


Senior Member
I know the feeling. These days I find myself doing very little riding except when I go on holiday or if I make the effort to go somewhere away from home for a full day ride.

I used to go out in the evenings but I either don't have the time or (more likely) perceive that I don't have the time. I also used to commute on the bike when the weather was nice but I find that I just can't be bothered with the effort these days. I need to make myself make the effort again.


South Wales
After Thursday it's downhill to winter.

Indeeed. We mark the occasion of the Summer solstice by dancing at sunset on Cefn Bryn on the gower.

One of our members works for English heritage, and will be at Stonehenge tomorrow, and there was talk at one point of us dancing there instead, but that came to nothing in the end.
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