Legendary Member
(What happened to that thread by the way? Did we exhaust that particular seam?)
I have just had a shock - a page appeared on my computer, purporting to come from Microsoft and inviting me to root out all the "adult" content on my computer. It them went on to tell me that it had discovered something like 650 risky items, and did I want to delete them? This is strange because I have never downloaded any porn on this computer, although I have looked at most of the women in lycra pics. Some of the pics were distinctly notworksafe. If you only ever viewed them without saving them, could they be found on your computer?
I took the page to be some kind of scam and deleted it.
I have just had a shock - a page appeared on my computer, purporting to come from Microsoft and inviting me to root out all the "adult" content on my computer. It them went on to tell me that it had discovered something like 650 risky items, and did I want to delete them? This is strange because I have never downloaded any porn on this computer, although I have looked at most of the women in lycra pics. Some of the pics were distinctly notworksafe. If you only ever viewed them without saving them, could they be found on your computer?
I took the page to be some kind of scam and deleted it.