This looks quite nifty

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The idea of using a powerful handlebar-mounted laser to keep inattentive motorists on their toes will appeal to many cyclists, but the design by Emily Brooke of Brighton University is not intended to leave a trail of smouldering vehicle in its wake – rather it projects an image onto the road to increase the cyclist’s visibility to motorists.

The Blaze is a handlebar-mounted laser that projects a bright green image of a bike onto the road ahead. Emily Brooke says of her design: “Eighty per cent of cycle accidents occur when bicycles travel straight ahead and a vehicle manoeuvres into them. The most common contributory factor is ‘failed to look properly’ on the part of the motorist.”

A spokesperson for the Environmental Transport Association (ETA) said: “The idea is appealing, and hampered only by the advances made over recent years in conventional bicycle lighting – powerful flashing LED lights have dramatically increased the visibility of cyclists on the road.”


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Already been discussed here


New Member
That light lane device in the video looks quite nifty.

I'm always convinced though that too much light-wizardry only serves to confuse. IMHO the best thing we can do is have good lights front & rear, pedal, front and rear reflectors and good hi-viz clothing. And of course learn to ride in such a way that we claim whatever space we need on the road (sometimes easier said than done I grant you).


As long as I breathe, I attack.
I checked the original topic and i have to agreee that it is wasted on the front , it needs to be projecting at the back otherwise it serves no purpose.


Active Member
Looks like its pretty hard for motorists to see in built lit up areas as the video suggests, cracking idea though as long as motorists stick to it, i have always thought as a car driver, "oh bollocks to the cyclists, they don't pay tax, i do and sod them", well i have been eating a lot of pie lately, humbly....:rolleyes:


Active Member
Excellent quote and fully agree 110%:tongue:
That light lane device in the video looks quite nifty.

I'm always convinced though that too much light-wizardry only serves to confuse. IMHO the best thing we can do is have good lights front & rear, pedal, front and rear reflectors and good hi-viz clothing. And of course learn to ride in such a way that we claim whatever space we need on the road (sometimes easier said than done I grant you).


Swinglish Mountain Goat
I think it's a bit over the top... If they did become popular, it may shift the focus of the driver from looking for a cyclist, to looking for a small green image on the road. No green image = no cyclist.


The idea has arrived, albiet mounted at the back, mine arrived a week or so ago, it is very effective but has drawbacks.

Manual is pants, no mention if rechargeable cell is protected so charging implications there, no mention of charge times, laser has 7 modes so takes a while to switch the damn thing off.

Bit of a bugger if you are running panniers


Did not get mine from here but packaging looks identical
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