Noodley Guest 9 Feb 2009 #2 "Michael Cox, who filmed its antics, said that the animal can keep it up for up to 15 minutes at a time." Ohhh, I say!!
"Michael Cox, who filmed its antics, said that the animal can keep it up for up to 15 minutes at a time." Ohhh, I say!!
punkypossum Donut Devil Location My own little planet... 9 Feb 2009 #3 My ferret used to love doing that - unfortunately we only had enough snow 2 or 3 times...
wafflycat New Member Location middle of Norfolk 10 Feb 2009 #4 Poor little mite is actually trying to stop its tiny paws from getting frostbite...
Keith Oates Janner Location Penarth, Wales 10 Feb 2009 #5 Could be Waffly, but he/she still seemed to be enjoying the experience!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mr Pig New Member Location North Lanarkshire 10 Feb 2009 #6 Rabbits also do that when they're happy. It even has a name, it's called a binky.
Arch Married to Night Train Location Salford, UK 10 Feb 2009 #7 Stoats are said to dance in order to hypnotise/fascinate their prey....
andylaw79 Über Member Location Sunny Blackpool - well nearly! 10 Feb 2009 #8 Our cat used to do that as well as run sideways and backwards up the curtains!
yorkshiregoth Master of all he surveys Location Heathrow 10 Feb 2009 #9 Cats do that when you stick masking tape on them (saw it on youtube)