The worlds most annoying, click, click etc..

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Über Member
At some point just after fitting some clipless pedals and fitting a new headset (one of those cartrage versions), whenever I pedal with force I can hear a clicking/crunching sound...

At first I thought it was my BB (Shimano 105 BB-5700), but after removing it, cleaning it, applying grease to it my bike still makes a noise.

So then I thought it was my seat post - I removed it, cleaned it (and the inside of the bike/seat post shaft) and re greased it. And my bike still makes a noise

The I thought it might be the new pedals - so I took the new pedals off and fitted my old flat pedals and still my bike made a noise - though less of a noise but I think thats because I cannot apply the same amount of force when using flat pedals.

So that leaves (to my mind) two possible issues - the BB is damaged and needs replacing (do they have bearings?). Or the fault lies with the new headset.

Anyone else have any ideas?
Is it your knees?


It could be the headset.

You say it's when you 'pedal with force' - does that mean you're pulling on the bars at the same time? Does it click worse when you're honking up-hill?

Probably worth checking everything round the headset is tight and well greased, also check the stem's tight.


Über Member
Is it your knees?

Nope...thank god :smile:

Iv not but Im about too, cheers!

Did you grease the pedal threads?

I did

It could be the headset.

You say it's when you 'pedal with force' - does that mean you're pulling on the bars at the same time? Does it click worse when you're honking up-hill?

Probably worth checking everything round the headset is tight and well greased, also check the stem's tight.

I thought it might be, but I dont belive it is. The reson I dont think it is I am able to pedal with force (and still make the clicking/creaking sound) without putting too much force on the handlebars

Have a look at THIS. Trial and error I'm afraid, and sometimes it's the last thing you might consider that proves to be the culprit.

Iv not, .cheers for the link. Going to have a good look though it


Cleats I dont think so. Would I not feel it though my feet? Saddle on the other hand, maybe. That I have not tried. Ill look into that!

cheers all!


Somerset UK
Can sometimes be clothing or clothing touching a bike part.

Sympathies - drives me nuts when I get one.

My last was my leg touching a bungee I'd left attached to the rack on the utility bike. Nearly went mad. Took 2 weeks to find it. Yes, it can be that simple, equally it could still be the BB, sometimes they go so that cleaning and lube won't cure it.

Sometimes helps to get someone else to ride alongside, somewhere quiet, as it's very easy for your own ears on the bike to get fooled.


World class procrastinator
This might sound exceedingly stupid but could it be your spokes?
I had a really annoying click click click when I was pedaling, but not when I was just coasting and my lovely LBS found the problem and it was where my spokes crossed. They move a bit when pedaling and make a clicking noise.
I just greased all my spokes where they cross and problem solved. Apparently, I had cleaned my bike a bit too well.


Über Member
Found the problem!

Turns out it was the seat itself - or the seat post/clamp. I took it apart, gave it a clean, applied some grease/lub and no more creaking!

Its odd though, there was creaking sounds even when I was not seated on the seat. I can only guess that the flexing in the frame was being transferred up the seat post to the seat.

Ive just had one on mine, turned out it was the crankarm hitting the front derailleur cable.

Iv had that one before! Once you've had it once you never fall for it again ;)
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