The Ultimate Interval, what, when, who, why....

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Hello everyone. I've written an article titled High Intensity Interval Training, for cyclists who are interested in increasing their fitness levels. My goal was to provide science-based information (as opposed to subjective, opinion, and/or anecdotal), and I include the citations for the scientific articles that I use. A lot of this information is not available to the general public because it restricted by a paywall.

This article has been reviewed and edited, but I always appreciate any pertinent comments and suggestions. I have found that cycling forums are ideal for information sharing. When appropriate, I do revise my article based on the feedback I receive. Please feel free to comment either on this forum or in the comments section of my article. Thanks in advance, and happy riding!

David Henderson
It's a good read, but I don't know if it breaks any new ground. Interval training is well understood by coaches and pro/amateur racers and there is already a wealth of info out there on the internet.


Nice play with the deity/Jesus remarks. :laugh:

When intervals are done properly you will feel like you're going to die (you're not of course), and I assume that post death, one might actually see a deity. Now if you do see Jesus (or any deity for that matter) while doing interval training, it does make sense to cease your workout because you now have a whole new set of issues to focus on.

David Henderson
Holy crap getting fit is complicated! I thought to be an athlete you just have to adopt a Rocky Balboa attitude to working out, swapping punch bags and weights to the required equipment for your sport. So to be an athlete you also have to be a scientist (rocky was thick as shoot). I understand the basic concept of HIT but cant I just ride my bike as often and long as possible at as high an overall intensity as possible?
I understand the basic concept of HIT but cant I just ride my bike as often and long as possible at as high an overall intensity as possible?

you could, but you would very quickly stagnate. If all you ever did (for instance) was ride flat out for 30 minutes and then blow up, then all you would become good at would be riding flat out for 30 minutes and then blowing up. The key is mixing it up a bit...


Squat Member
you could, but you would very quickly stagnate. If all you ever did (for instance) was ride flat out for 30 minutes and then blow up, then all you would become good at would be riding flat out for 30 minutes and then blowing up. The key is mixing it up a bit...


Any sportive you would struggle without a reasonable base fitness once you get beyond the 50 mile range. I am a firm believer of the old school putting in the miles at a lower intensity, not that I think HIT doesnt work but as a mixture once you plateau. Timing of your nutrition is critical too, so many times I have got dehydrated without knowing too late.
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