The right computer

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Active Member
Tyne and Wear
Hi, looking to get computer for my bike so i can measure how far I've been, my total miles etc.. Can any1 recommend a decent 1 for less than 50quid. I've never had 1 before so it must be fairly easy to use or get used to. i just want it for basic function like overall miles and daily miles. i might get more advanced one in time once i get the just of working one unless theres a simple advanced one out there. Thanks :biggrin:


Legendary Member
For £50.00 you are spoilt for choice! I can't recommend a particular model for you, but here are some of the things to think about before deciding.....
Like so many modern electronic devices, even the cheapest ones probably have more functions than you will want to use.
I think all computers will record total mileage, and trip mileage which you can reset between each journey.
Most computers will display average speed, some calculate the average using overall time, others discount the time when your bike is stationary outside the cafe half way through your journey.
Another point to consider, do you want wireless or wired? Wireless employs a radio signal to send data from the detector on your front fork to the display unit. This necessitates a battery in the detector unit as well as a battery in the display unit. Wired uses a cable to transmit the data.
Display units are usually removable for security purposes, of course if you don't remove it when leaving the bike unattended someone else might.
More advanced models may include an actual time (clock) display and some have cadence (the rpm of your pedals) displays.
Lidl often have cheapo computers for a lot less than £50, but bike shops should be able to help you make an informed choice for a little more expenditure.


Active Member
Tyne and Wear
thanks, stil undecided, wired means more wires unless i can discreetly hide them and i'd rather just have to worry about one set of batterys, halfords is my local store but dont really wanna go there as so many on here seem to take make them out to be the devil of all stores :laugh:


Cycling in Scotland
Auld Reekie
If you are looking for a simple reliable computer try the VDO A4, the wires are easy to deal with, just wined them round the brake cable...


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