I have been beset by punctures recently, but this one has me really confused.
I'd put too much pressure in the tube (presumably) and when I hit a slight bump the seam on the tube burst, about an inch or so. I took the tube out at work, pumped it up to hear where it was (on account of the big bang, rapid tyre deflation presumed it'd be a big 'un). Found the blighter, repaired it.
Now, this is where it gets a little funky.
Cycling home on it it starts to deflate slowly. I presume the patch isn't completely sealed so try the 'pump n' dash' method. Doesn't work, it still deflates. I'll add that I had to force the valve slightly to accomodate my rigid pump (giggedy). So I shackle the bike up to a post and head home on the bus.
Once home with the bike I start to strip the wheel and tube completely, as per the usual when i've got all my tools and things! Pump it up, run it through the basin of water.... no air escapes.
"Fair enough" thinks I.
Check the rim, all accounted for nothing to prick the tube. Check the tyre, and ditto.
"Right, that's weird..."
Pop it back together, start pumping the tyre up.
"What the frak?!"
This is a LOUD hiss.
Tyre popped, tube out, basin of water filled, tube through it.... no bubbles. I'm scratching my head here, physically scratching it looking quite puzzled. Tube out, back in wheel, tyre over, pumped up.
"What the frak is going on"
I've abandoned my bike this week in favour of doing some running because this is driving me around the bend. Anyone got ANY ideas?!
I'd put too much pressure in the tube (presumably) and when I hit a slight bump the seam on the tube burst, about an inch or so. I took the tube out at work, pumped it up to hear where it was (on account of the big bang, rapid tyre deflation presumed it'd be a big 'un). Found the blighter, repaired it.
Now, this is where it gets a little funky.
Cycling home on it it starts to deflate slowly. I presume the patch isn't completely sealed so try the 'pump n' dash' method. Doesn't work, it still deflates. I'll add that I had to force the valve slightly to accomodate my rigid pump (giggedy). So I shackle the bike up to a post and head home on the bus.
Once home with the bike I start to strip the wheel and tube completely, as per the usual when i've got all my tools and things! Pump it up, run it through the basin of water.... no air escapes.
"Fair enough" thinks I.
Check the rim, all accounted for nothing to prick the tube. Check the tyre, and ditto.
"Right, that's weird..."
Pop it back together, start pumping the tyre up.
"What the frak?!"
This is a LOUD hiss.
Tyre popped, tube out, basin of water filled, tube through it.... no bubbles. I'm scratching my head here, physically scratching it looking quite puzzled. Tube out, back in wheel, tyre over, pumped up.
"What the frak is going on"
I've abandoned my bike this week in favour of doing some running because this is driving me around the bend. Anyone got ANY ideas?!