The nod

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Leafy Cheshire
I went out on my new Bianchi today, just for a pootle to look at a house that's on our "possibles" list and then to see my bro and his kids. It was the first time I have really been out on Barry during the daylight hours and I couldn't believe how many nods I got off all the roadies!

So anyway, I couldn't decide whether I should have been chuffed to get nice friendly nods off people, or annoyed that when I am pootling around on my hybrid they ignore me!

Whaddayareckon folks?

ps any new street cred quickly disappeared when I had a clipless moment at South Manchester's busiest crossraods!


Legendary Member
Whaddayareckon folks?
I saw assorted cyclists today and think they may all have been in good tune because it was the best Sunday weather for some time.:smile:


New Member
Its great to go out riding and so many friendly riders out there which is nice to see :rolleyes:

I always say hi to any passing cyclists but i hate it when i get nothing back as im just been polite to road users :rolleyes:



Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
I say Hi to some, I don't to others. Depends on how I feel or if I can be arsed to be honest.
I'm not bothered if others say hi to me or not either. It's no big deal.


Leafy Cheshire
Tell me about it! Rather embarrassing

Dan B

Disengaged member
I fI nodded at all the cyclists I see on the way to work my neck would wear out from overuse
Please, please please don't be offended if you don't get a response from folk when out riding. Everybody could be doing all sorts out there and could be in their own ' bubble'. Don't take offence, that's just how it is.......... there are some serious cyclists out there. ( What car do you drive? Do you wave to every Mondeo driver?)

Bill :stop:


Nr Cambridge
I never nodded but tended to rase my brake fingers off the right hand brake leaver (which is the back brake for me) but I'm doing that less & less these days. The reason is that my eyes are looking further up the road as my speed slowly increases I spend so much time scanning the road for general off-fodder I never make eye contact with the oncoming cyclist to see if they're wave worthy or not (no point in waving at a POD).

I'll always respond to a wave or nod if I notice it but I'm not looking for it.


Über Member
I nod if I notice another cyclist sometimes its a "hello" as we scoot pass each other but certainly no skin of my nose if they dinnae answer. Same goes with if I'm out on the motorbike if ya wave or nod to everyone you get a wee bit tired of it.:tongue: Plus it means you spend more time looking at others and lose the value of the surrounding area!


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Oh dear Gatley Cross Roads.... never mind. You could have fallen off at the Rising Sun junction in Hazel Grove (A6) - not just car/trucks and peds, oh no, at 9am and 10am the front of the pub is usually full of club runs waiting to go on Sat/ could have been worse. :wacko:
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