The mysterious case of the missing software

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West Somerset
Before my laptop screen went kaput a week or so ago, I'd installed a trial version of Corel Paintshop Pro. I got the laptop back from the shop just before the weekend but didn't have a chance to sit down and have another play with Paintshop until today.

The problem is, I can't find it. :scratch:

It's not coming up in the Windows (7 Home Premium) start menu. It can't be found during a proper search. The software doesn't appear to be in the Corel folder in Programs (x86), though the associated folders and wotnot are all in there.

I've asked Mr Computer Dude and he didn't touch it.

I am most confused.

Any suggestions?
Down the sofa.


Somerset UK
Can't think where it's gone but have you tried reinstalling it? The end date of the trial will probably still be there though!
Well obviously I meant the virtual sofa, of course.

^ Wot they said. Corel will recall when you installed it and kick on from there. Well it did for Wordperfect anyhow, though that hadn't mysteriously disappeared, instead I'd kicked it's ass out.
If yiu have the software in the programs folder yiu may have only lost the shortcut. Try and locate the .exe file that is the main application(you may need togoogle which one) and then drag a shortcut onto your desktop to it.


My guess is that during your screen failing there may have been an ungraceful shutdown of the laptop which forced by a system restore to a point earlier than the software being installed.


Well-Known Member
Buy an Apple computer next time. My son nagged me for years telling me Windows was cr*p. Since using iOS, I would never go back. The boy was right. That's my twopennath. For what it's worth.

Well done for backing up.
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