Chain snapped on Saturday, followed instructions from a very helpful
Guy on YouTube. Gave myself a pat on the back for a nice job done.
My question is, my chain is now 2 links shorter, will it make much difference ?
Will work ok ish, except when using large cogs in big ring when may be too short. Depends how long chain was originally, but a short chain will increase wear and create extra resistance when pedaling so not ideal.
If you have snapped a chain, get a new one. Simple. If it snaps and you are climbing a hill, your soft bits May meet a nasty end.
Once a chain had gone, time to replace. OK to use a quick link to get home, but change the chain. Use the quick link to join the new chain when you have used a chain tool to get the right length
Chains can and do snap, and it's unlikely you will get a free chain. Reason is, the LBS won't know what you maintenance schedules are, and 9-11 speed chains are more suseptible to snapping.
Personally, I have never had a chain snap. Most chains now require joining with a quick link as the design of the pins stop them being pushed back in correctly without damaging the side plates. Shimano use special pins, but the safest way is to use a quick link.
Also, if they do give you a free chain, it'll be the cheapest one they have. I always feel it's worth spending a bit more on a chain as its a real PITA when they snap on you!
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