Richard Adams
New Member
Auld git having been ill during last year. Ridden a bike for years but never that keenly. Always been a bit clumsy. One of the side effects of my illness was sudden deafness in one ear. WIth that has come lack of balance - I can't afford to take my eyes off where I'm wobbling towards, turn my head and I fall off. Probably some of the lack of balance has been due to much weakened musculature (lost 20kg while ill) but I'm rebuilding that slowly. Docs seem to think I'm mad to try.
Anybody else had similar expereince and managed to overcome it? Suggestions (apart from stabilisers) welcome. I use some tarmac in a country park and some of the cinder tracks so I don't have to worry about traffic
Anybody else had similar expereince and managed to overcome it? Suggestions (apart from stabilisers) welcome. I use some tarmac in a country park and some of the cinder tracks so I don't have to worry about traffic