Techy question from a non-techy person....gears/clicking

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New Member
OK - I have no idea of proper terminology, and it's a long time since I last pulled a bike apart and put it back together again (used to be great at it without knowing what any of it was called). However I've got a new bike.

It's only a cheapy one, however I'm pretty sure I should be expecting more from it. 18 speed, is fine in the higher gears, and after a bit of clunking/clicking around is ok on the lower gears - but in the middle, well it seems to constantly "click", (and "clunk" a little too) and occasionally feels like it's slipping when I really push hard. Now some of this may be me still finding my way around the bike (I've only ever had 3 gears before and that was a long time ago), but I have a suspicion that it's not all my fault.

It's only been out of the house 3 times now, so really is still very new, (and has only done 20 miles - on 3 seperate rides) so not a lot of riding done on it yet so I'm guessing things could still be settling down.......

So - what could it be - and how can I (try to) fix it (I could take ti back to the shop I bought it from and I'm sure they'd be very helpful but I'd really like to get back into the way of being able to sort basic stuff myself)
First thing I'd do is make sure the gears are set up and indexed correctly so they shift smoothly. Fettling gears is often thought of as witchcraft , but it's really pretty simple, that said, I'm not the guy to try and explain it to you :whistle:

There are loads of great videos on YouTube, (and loads of crap ones), but between them they should get you sorted, as it sounds like you've done a bit some years ago so you should be ok.

If you are really unsure, find yourself a good LBS, (local bike shop), and start to build a relationship with them, you will need one from time to time, and a good one is worth it's weight in gold :thumbsup:

Ask on here for recommendations in your area and I'm sure you'll be flooded with suggestions.


New Member
Thanks smokey - will have a look on YouTube tomorrow (cba tonight). Hopefully I can sort it myself, it's one of those clunks/clicks/slips that doesn't feel like something major to fix - just need to get my hands dirty and get in there.........

On the bike shop front - I'm hoping there is a decent LBS near me - I got my bike at Wilco's (who actually were incredibly helpful when I bought my boys bikes and my own) after I'd visited the only LBS I know of who looked at me and talked to me like I was thick and didn't really help me at all
When you get a new bike most reputable sellers will invite you back for a free service after a couple of weeks - this is because cables stretch through initial usage and a tweak or two may be in order.

I would get the LBS to give it a service if they won't be charging too much.


New Member
When you get a new bike most reputable sellers will invite you back for a free service after a couple of weeks - this is because cables stretch through initial usage and a tweak or two may be in order.

I would get the LBS to give it a service if they won't be charging too much.

Yes - I am supposed to take it back in 4 weeks time (well 2 weeks now I guess...... ) for a free service . Just wondered if there was anything I could do in the mean time to stop it pissing me off annoying me.


Noble and true, with a heart of steel
The TerrorVortex
Pound to a penny the cable has stretched a little.
There'll be a little knurled adjuster where the cable goes into the rear gear (often known as a rear mech). Give it a 1/4 turn anti clockwise and try the gears again. You may need to repeat this process a few times till things improve.


New Member
aha - yes I've found the knurled adjuster - will have a fiddle tomorrow

roadrash - am in Wellingborough, (northants), so far Wilco have proved much more useful than the LBS in town for least so far - though I'm maybe biased as they used to fix my fancy pushchair when I had problems with it too


New Member
thank you - thanks to you lot (and one YouTube video just to reassure myself I was fiddling with the right bit
) it is now running much smoother - woohoo (think the front may need a tweak as well but as I only went to the top of my very short road and back again it's difficult to say for sure).


As long as I breathe, I attack.
Pound to a penny the cable has stretched a little.
There'll be a little knurled adjuster where the cable goes into the rear gear (often known as a rear mech). Give it a 1/4 turn anti clockwise and try the gears again. You may need to repeat this process a few times till things improve.

+1 pretty much all cables stretch a little from new, a few clicks on the adjusters normally gets it set and it should not need much changing after that.
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