Not sure if it's the new forum, or simply a new way Tapatalk is working, but I'll mention it anyway. Also, just in case - Tapatalk is an iPhone app (think its available on droid too) that lets you access and read forums.
My 'participated' topics no longer update correctly. They used to highlight when someone had made a new post that I hadn't yet read, not they don't and I have to look at each one to see if there's any new posts.
Also, if there's anyway to add a 'like' facility is Tapatalk that'd be great - but I suspect on this side it's more the Tapatalk app that needs changing rather than the forum.
My 'participated' topics no longer update correctly. They used to highlight when someone had made a new post that I hadn't yet read, not they don't and I have to look at each one to see if there's any new posts.
Also, if there's anyway to add a 'like' facility is Tapatalk that'd be great - but I suspect on this side it's more the Tapatalk app that needs changing rather than the forum.