Hip Priest
Took it very easy today, and felt better for it. I even let someone scalp me.
What a cracking ride home. Light traffic for some reason. Very little wind. The lights were green, some nice SCR and the legs felt good. My fastest home average speed of the year.
Traffic chaos near home. Turned off the main road, but saw a police car had blocked the main road. Being a nosey bugger, I turned round, and went for a look.
There in the middle of the road was one of those fork lifts that attach to the back of a HGV. Looks like the driver had gone under the rail bridge with the boom up, catching the underside and ripping it off the truck. It also cancelled the trains.
Delay to me in a bike was a couple of minutes whilst I watched them haul it on a low loader.
A scalp's a scalp...A rather uninteresting ride to and from work today. Traffic and my speed both unexceptional, the wind was a little heady in places. I managed to get three scalps, but one won't count as it was a school boy on a mountain bike who was trying to knock traffic cones over.