Sounds a bit like me
On a serious note though, I did a quick 13 miles at crack of dawn and it was minus 4 and couldn't feel my fingers. I doubt very much if I would have been able to remove a tyre or repair a puncture as my hands were so cold.
Same here. -3c x 21 miles starting at 4.50am.
The thing is, during poor weather when i know a puncture is undesirable and hard to deal with
i make a simple change: I leave my road bike at home and use my mountain bike.
Its on slick tyres which have enough contact "meat" to absorb a 3mm flint without puncturing, and
then if a puncture occurs the volume of air in the tyre is much greater than a typical roady tyre.
Plus ... mile for mile ... you get more "training" on a mountain bike sitting up in the wind than on a
road bike.