Swingin' the lead

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Leg End Member
How many here would "swing the lead" in order to make it worthwile for their solicitor after an accident.

Asked(told) what I would have to be doing to make it worth his while. Basically stretch it out as long as possible, minimum eight weeks, with a visit to my GP every week. This because I was only on a bike.

Advice never followed, but I did make a complaint about his "advice".


Well-Known Member
I thought this thread was going to be about a new athletics discipline for the 2012 Olympics



Legendary Member
I thought it was about fishing,

or taking time off school to go fishing.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
You got the wrong solicitor..........I've just asked BC to get involved in my off - was originally only claiming for a broken crash hat, but after trying to swim with the kids on Sunday, I suspect there is something not right with my shoulder - rotator cuff injury... - clicks and crunches doing breast stroke......so off to the docs, see what they say, maybe physio. The shoulder isn't a problem on the bike.....


Leg End Member
rikki said:
Back to your original question classic33; what did he mean you were "only on a bike"??

I think he meant that the fact there wasn't an engine fitted. As such there can't have been much damage or injury caused.

It was the way he was telling me how to act after seeing him, for his profit, rather than the person who would have been paying for his service.

As for "swingin' the lead". http://www.phrases.org.uk/bulletin_board/5/messages/1471.html
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