Svendo's Overshoe Tips (or "D'oh!" prevention)

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Two bits of experience I have to share:

1) When wearing overshoes ensure the velcro shoe straps aren't folded back on themselves on your shiny new expensive road shoes. It takes AGES to persuade them back into shape and not to stick out like Tintins quiff.

2) If you want your feet to stay dry for as long as possible, don't just wear waterproof overshoes, tape up the ventilation holes in the sole too. This at least doubles the time it takes for water to get in on wet days. (46 minutes vs. ~2 hrs)

Here's to dry warm feet and aerodynamic shoes!


Well-Known Member
I wear overshoes all the time have a summer pair and a winter pair they keep my shoes in tip top shape and make them last longer about every two months I tapethe soles with new gaffer tape to make them last longer

As for the waterproof thats a little more difficult good front and rear mudguard protection will keep it to a minimum but like you mention eventually it will get in

+1 for overshoes great invention

Fiona N

Use full length mudguards with mud flaps ;)

It obviously doesn't rain properly in South Croydon :biggrin:

On the WIndcheetah (i.e. feet nowhere near wheels or road) I have had water running out of the heels when cycling one day recently without overshoes on :wacko:
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