Surprise surprise.

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Mr and Mrs Postman had to go visit Mrs Postman's elderly parents near Preston.She had to take them both for hospital appointments and deal with her dad's car insurance,because her mum cannot drive now,so has to come off,he had been quoted £1900 no way,but he does not have internet.So yesterday it was sorted for just under £600,so Monday we pick up our daughter from Preston railway station,they have no idea she has popped down from Edinburgh to see them .We arrive after having lunch with her,she is laid in the back of the car,we enter the house and get settled in then in walks daughter.The mil was stunned.What a smile on here face.So Tuesday we do our normal thing with them and we go to Seniors fish and chips at Poulton le Fyled.Well there just happens to be a direct train from Manchester to PLF so our son decides to surprise his grandparents by joining us for fish and chips.He got there about ten mins before us,he and Mrsc Postman had worked out the best time for us to arrive,so he is sat at the table we use when Grandad pushes Grandma in to the restaurant,the shock the faces of both of them was a picture,we had a lovely afternoon before he got his return train again direct to Manchester.Surprises don't you just love them.
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sounds like you all enjoyed the day..
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