Surosa Audax Toledo...

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Active Member

I'm seriously looking at getting one of these bikes, but just wanted opinions of anyone out there who's already been riding one for a while. I'm attracted by the more upright riding position it promises, and what looks like enough clearance for mudguards and 25mm tyres.

Never been to the shop before but other reports online seem mostly positive. The current price is £660, slightly under my budget, so if I take the plunge then I may consider getting the wheels upgraded and also going for the Shimano Tiagra instead of the Sora.

I've also been considering the Ribble Winter Audax frame but this doesn't look like it'll allow for 25mm tyes and mudguards. My other potential option is the Tifosi CK7 Audax but I'm not sure of any stockists in the North West where I could try one out, or at least sit on one.

Cannondale Synapse has also come into my 'maybe' list, as has the Giant defy and Specialsed Secteur, but I worry if these three would be too 'racy' geometry/ riding positin wise?

Any opinions gratefully received, on the Surosa or any of the others mentioned!


Here for rides.
Got mine a year ago via C2W for exactly £1k. It is my 'best bike'. Love it. Love it so much all the other bikes in my shed feel neglected. Bought it to have a crack at an SR series but injury put paid to that last year and I'm doing shoerter stuff this year. It's comfy, eats miles, does Audaxes and 200+ km comes easy, wears 28mm's (Gatorskin Hardshells) and tortec 'guards. Mine's campag-ed with a racing triple setup and a wide range cassette. Oh yes and a Tubus fly rack, and a carradice saddle bag. Going out on it in a little bit. Did I say I love it? Take the guards, etc., off and it is a capable sportive bike too. With the 28's it goes off road on sustrans types paths no bother even if the guards get a bit rattly.

Only prob I've had was with the tortec rear mudguard brake bracket thing. Plastic. It failed after a few thousand km's on a tow path in Abingdon and as a result the brake nut was lost. Took the back brake off zip tied it and the guard to the frame and carried on with the ride. Replaced the bracket thing with a bend to fit stainless steel one from SJS.

Oh yeah, and a couple of spokes slackened off week before last after I hammered it around the isle of Wight.

As for Nigel and his team at Surosa. They could not have been more helpful or supportive during the specing and build phases. I bought it by email and phone call. Didn't set foot in the shop. Fits like a glove as demonstated by the naff all adjustments made after a bikefit session. Lack of issues means I've had no cause to be in touch with them since. Though I am thinking of getting some lighter faster wheels for fast summer club runs and to do the odd TT on.

buy one. you will not be sorry. imo anyway!


Active Member
Hi Greg,

Wow, I think I can detect from your reply that you like your Surosa!:biggrin:

Thanks for the detail. I meant to ask in my original post, how does it compare weight-wise with other similar audax/ type options?


Here for rides.
How does it compare weight-wise with others? I regret that was not a factor in my considerations. When you are a lard-arse ex-lock forward like me the avoirdupois of one steed vs another is rarely a concern.

You want I should weigh her?


Active Member
No need to weigh it Greg - the website says 10.6K, which I think stacks up pretty well against other similar machines of this type.

And yes, Glover, the Audax Pro version is very tempting!...


Here for rides.
ask very nicely, like I did, and Nigel will do the graphics in black......


Active Member
Haven't done so yet, but hope to make a visit in the next week or so.

Will let you know how things go, bike and cost-wise.

Well, I've taken the plunge and just spent a couple of hours at friendly Surosa Cycles in Oldham, trying out, speccing up and then ordering the Audax Toledo Pro via C2W. Banged in a few upgrades to take it to the £999 limit.

Just got to try and be patient now until it's ready to pick up!


Active Member

Have you got yours yet? First impressions?

I picked mine up yesterday, just waiting now for the rain to ease off...
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