Supreme Cat Show

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Legendary Member
Last night I saw a woman walking a cat in a lead. It was trotting along quite merrily.


Last night I saw a woman walking a cat in a lead. It was trotting along quite merrily.

They can do if happy / trained to do so.

All of my cats have been harness trained save for one, who was feral. When I was a postgrad student, my then cat was indoor only on account of living on a busy road. But he and I used to, weather permitting, take a daily constitutional to the local park. And he would trot quite happily on his lead and harness, and knew that when we needed to cross the road, he would sit and wait at the kerb till it was safe for us to cross.

On the flip side, some cats don't take to a lead and harness at all, and if they don't want to cooperate, then that's how it is. It's all down to the individual cat.


Legendary Member
I imagine if I'd put my cats on a lead they would have thought it was a hilarious game and attacked and chased the lead. :laugh:

I guess the need to be trained early. They do look quite cute when walking on a lead, I guess its a novelty factor.
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