Suggestions for stopping

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Hard of hearing..I said Herd of Herring..oh FFS..
County Durham
So, I'm going to have to think about the best set up for brakes to suit the tourer build. The frame has bosses for v's and canti's but no hangers for canti's, the bars are going to be drops. Should I go with v's and someting like the cane creek drop v levers, or should i use canti's with bolt on hangers? All suggestions will be considered as quite frankly I don't know on this one! (parts and retailer info would be cool too :biggrin:)


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
personally I'm not a fan of v-brakes so canti's with bolt on hangers would be my choice.


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
v brakes lock the wheel too quickly (for me). The most efficient point of braking is just before the wheel locks so the easier it is keep the brake just before the locking point the better the braking (as in ABS on cars).

and i know two people who've mistakenly 'touched' the front brake going down hill and have gone straight over the handle bars... one broke her arm, the other broke her arm and collar bone... both were on borrowed bikes so not aware of the bite a v-brake has (or evidently which is which brake!).


Noble and true, with a heart of steel
The TerrorVortex
I'd go for mini-Vs in your position. No hangers needed, same levers as cantis or calipers, so any road bike lever would be fine. Plus I find Vs a lot easier to set up than cantis, but that could just be me.


Hard of hearing..I said Herd of Herring..oh FFS..
County Durham
I'd go for mini-Vs in your position. No hangers needed, same levers as cantis or calipers, so any road bike lever would be fine. Plus I find Vs a lot easier to set up than cantis, but that could just be me.

Thanks for that, but what about clearance for mudguards etc? will there be enough space to get say a 700c 32 with mudguards under the cable?
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