Suggestions for a cycling safety article please

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Hi all,

I have a small cycling website aimed mainly at older newer road cyclists (

Last week in my group we had a reasonably serious group accident. And it's not the first time.

So I thought I'd do a short series of articles about cycling safety, both about safety issues when group riding as well as any other safety issues that concern newer road cyclists.

But first I thought I'd ask here for suggestions of topics to cover, ideas and so on. I'm happy to cover as much as I can over time, in a few articles, so thought I'd open up a discussion here for suggestions on what to cover. And what to say about particular issues, like group riding.

All suggestions welcomed, and thanks.
Keep positive, howzabout an article on "What to do in the case of an accident"

The LCC do a number these


Active Member
Most lightweight cycling safety articles - and virtually everything in newspapers - follows the usual mantra of encouraging the victims to alter their behaviour, dress like traffic cones and creep along railway paths. Please don't do that.

An article taking the industrial H&S approach would be interesting: identify the risks, the potential frequency of the risk and the consequences of an incident. In each instance, focus on the source of the danger and methods of reducing that danger.

It's a big step, psychologically, but if your group identities poor driving as a factor in the neighbourhood, perhaps encourage your cycling friends to take driving refresher courses - i.e. reduce the actual level of danger, rather than accepting it as the norm.

Otherwise, stick to the usual pointless stuff about helmets and hi-viz.
The Over 40 Cyclist
Hi Guys, thanks. I'm going to look at non car safety as well as car safety, as a lot of accidents happen nowhere near cars, as we found out last week. Often, though of course not always, it's us that's the safety issue, not car drivers. though of course cars have to be looked at.

Cunobelin, good idea, I had thought about including something along those lines, also about tips for keeping safe when riding alone and ideas for people who experience an accident alone. If you've got any sample articles I could use as inspiration I'd be happy to take a look.

Solo accidents do happen, I'm in Australia and someone I know hit a wombat (a large slow moving animal) at night and came off and hurt himself quite severely on his own. So some ideas on that might go in as well.

Thanks for the feedback.
I don't know how well acquainted Australia is with the idea that Americans call Vehicular Cycling. In Britain it is catching on, with children being taught the basic principles at school via Bikeability. A read through a book called Cyclecraft by John Franklin will put you on the right track, and you could easily summarise sections from it and form the advice therein into articles. There is also the danger of riding in groups, and this is often underestimated. Even the very best riders in pro races often have big crashes in the peloton caused by riding too close to others. There is plenty of advice on the web about riding more safely in groups, but all the advice in the world will only reduce the risks of group riding - it will not make it safe per se. I find riding with my well-known friend to be a pleasure because he knows exactly what to do and when to do it, but at a massed start to a charity ride we both did last weekend I was distinctly uneasy being surrounded by riders of unknown quality. It seemed that many others did not feel that same sense of imminent threat and placed lots of confidence in riders they did not know.

Most safe riding is down to common sense, but it does no harm to read an article which sets down some 'rules' and expectations. Plenty of riders who turned up for an all-night ride in London last weekend had no bike lights according to a friend of mine - how stupid is that?

Nice website by the way!
The Over 40 Cyclist
Hi XPC. Thanks, I'd seen the book around but hadn't bought it, so I'll take a look.

Yes I agree about riding in a group where there's unfamiliar faces. Makes you a little nervous. I'll certainly be covering group riding, as well as offering the suggestion that groups should be moderated in some way to make sure that anyone taking part knows what they are doing. The risks are too high.

Thanks for the compliment :smile:
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