Strong plaster smell after redecorating a bathroom ceiling

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Über Member
Hi, Can anyone give me some advice on this please? Two days ago I scraped the paint off my bathroom ceiling for a repaint. It was flaking off in places. There was absolutely no mould/damp etc just thick paint that came off with the scraper. When I took this off I was down to the old ceiling basically the plaster with a thin coating of paint. I washed it down with sugar soap etc and then let it dry out. Then I painted it it with two coats of anti mould bathroom emulsion paint, letting the first dry out etc before repainting. I've opened the windows for ventilation but obviously have to shut them at night.
When the windows are shut it starts really strongly smelling of plaster. Do you think this will go or will I have to take the paint off the ceiling and redo it with a mist coat etc?. Everything looks fine. Could anyone advise who knows about these things thank you very much.


Just leave it a few days to dry out completely leave the windows open as much as possible?


North Shields
Let it dry out properly. Keep the windows open as long as possible for as much circulation of air as you can get.

Personally I'd have put a mist coat on first but that's just a personal preference.


Well-Known Member
All you have done is soaked the old plaster when you sugar soaped it. Maybe it was still damp plaster and you sealed it in with the anti mould paint. It will dry out just fine.
I’d be wondering why the paint was de laminating. If I guessed, it was soaking in the bathroom condensation and drying out continually and over time delaminating. To have a bathroom ceiling that will never give you problems is tight insulating above plaster and a good bathroom air extractor as well as a nice 12mm gap under the bathroom door to allow air flow.
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