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Getting old but not past it
North Wales
Can you really believe all the performances that some people claim on Strava?
In my area, there is a little hill called "the little Orme" which is a 8.6% climb and 0.4km long.
The number one guy on Strava shows he rides it at 36.875mph. What a blatant lie I say! I reckon he is using his car to make such a claim. The number two rider shows 18.43mph , that's fast but I think possible for a very good, fit and young rider. ( I, for one, is nowhere near that!)
Why cheat just to be number one? Any decent cyclist would know what is possible on any given terrain. All it does is make a mockery of Strava and is an insult to real cyclists.


Legendary Member
Somewhere flat
Flag the ride then


Mancunian in self imposed exile in leafy Cheshire
I am new to this Strava so how do you do that?

Go to the ride page for the offending ride and click on the "flag ride" button. The easiest way to get to the ride page, is to click on the segment date of the KOM and then click "back to ride" next to the map and it will give you the overall stats for the ride. Look for a very high top speed or low heart rate to confirm your suspicions.


Über Member
I have thought this myself, thinking how can they go so fast, one segment shows a average speed of 23mph, (in the top 10 riders) and number1 has done it at 30mph.
Thanks for the info on how to flag the ride


Internet Marketing bod
Although those speeds do sound insane under perfect circumstances they can happen! Last night I took KOM from one of the fastest riders in town, everything just fell perfectly into place and I averaged 4mph higher than what was the current KOM.

36mph up what in Suffolk would be a sheer rock face, nah, flag it!


Sometimes mistakes happen, I recorded a ride on Strave, and when i returned home and looked at my progress i noticed my top speed had been 70mph.....I think i would of remembered going that fast! :laugh:

This sums it up.

I presume you then deleted the ride?

Everyone who uses strava checks their rides and it fecks me off when people leave stuff on there when it's clearly been driven in a car/on a train etc.
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Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
I've flagged a ride before - a guy had been MTB'ing in the Peaks, then just pipped me, Potsy and Potsy's mate on a segment we had been attacking all week, by just 1 second. Turned out he had left his garmin switched on as he came down the M60 in the car, then came onto the roads and through the segment. I PM'ed the rider and he took the ride off, and then gave me kudos for getting KOM - which has now been taken by Potsy's mate ! :tongue:


Well-Known Member
I normally check the average speed of there "ride" and when it's like 30mph I flag it :smile: somebody tried taking a KOM off me this way soon got it re instated ;)
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