Strange Injury

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Well-Known Member
I was on a ride yesterday when a stupid pigeon flew straight towards me but never swerved as it neared like I thought it would and flew straight into my chest :eek: and it knocked me off and hurt like hell . Fortunately I suffered just a big bruise on my chest , more importantly my bike was fine and the stupid pigeon just squawked , flapped .its wings and flew off . so the question is , Have you had a strange accident :?:


Über Member
I've had a bee hit me in the eye then get stuck in underneath my helmet. I paniced, it paniced and I nearly hit a ped - but all was good. I managed to get it out by shaking my head (and looking like a cock), and avoided being stung. Could have been nasty though.


Evil Genius in training.
Warrington, UK
I've had similar happen but it was a pheasant.
damn thing flapped out from a hedge i was passing right into my face, flapped about and scarpered before i could grab it. (was the season for em too) shame as it would have tasted great.


Powered by caffeine & whisky
I had a pheasant fly at me today, I had to duck so it missed me. I felt its wing tips brush past my face it was that close. And when on a night ride once I had a bat fly straight into my face, its wings gave me a right slap in the chops!


I was out in my car last week and came across a pigeon ambling around in the middle of the road, as they do, and I carried on expecting it to fly off at the last minute, as they do, and it didn't. I realised to my horror that I'd gone right over the top of it, and glanced in the mirror to see a mini explosion of feathers and a pigeon, apparently none the worse for wear, taking off behind me.


Not an accident, but for some reason it made me feel really wary...
Red Kite country today..riding along and i saw one appear from behind some trees, the fly above me for about 100 mtrs about 20ft above me....i had to keep twisting my head upwards and behind to keep an eye on him. For some reason i had the feeling he was going to swoop down on me. Never had one follow me like that before.


Be afraid of the squirrel ... (not me/my bike)

(Apologies to the squirrel/animal lovers out there)


New Member
That last picture reminded me of a time I was driving on the motorway when I overtook a car with a fancy looking road bike on the roof rack. As I drew level I had a good look to try and make out what make it was. At that moment a pidgeon flew in front of the bike in a great explosion of blood and feathers. When the feathers cleared, the bird was completely wedged between wheel and fork.

I would have liked to have seen the owners reaction when he retrieved his pride and joy from his roof with it's new red feathery paint job.


Senior Member
Near Windsor
Gross pic, but I'm pretty amazed that a squirrel can (apparently) snap a pair of forks. Odd that the spokes all seem to be still in place, but then I suppose the spokes in question are partly obscured by the poor little blighter.

I nearly got knocked off my mountain bike by a muntjac deer once, in the woods. No doubt as to who would have come off worse there.


CS8 lead out specialist
Also been hit by a pigeon - one of the central London variety. Had just come around a 90 degree corner and it decided to take off from the other side of the road. Thought nothing of it till something clonked the side of my helmet.

No damage done to either party but it did make me chuckle. Guess it had eaten a little too much and underestimated its take off capabilities - it's not like I spooked it as it took off from a good distance away from me.

Then again, maybe it was gunning for me


That last picture reminded me of a time I was driving on the motorway when I overtook a car with a fancy looking road bike on the roof rack. As I drew level I had a good look to try and make out what make it was. At that moment a pidgeon flew in front of the bike in a great explosion of blood and feathers. When the feathers cleared, the bird was completely wedged between wheel and fork.

I would have liked to have seen the owners reaction when he retrieved his pride and joy from his roof with it's new red feathery paint job.

A friend of mine once killed an owl with a vehicle-top bicycle in a similar way...
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