Stopped wearing a helmet?

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Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
Me. Started around the time I moved to the big city. Stopped years later after looking at the data after suffering a helmet-related injury, but I'd always been against compulsion.


I used to wear one for all riding, now I wear one depending on the type of cycling.

Ride to supermarket, Critical Mass, iBike London, Ride the Lights Blackpool: No helmet
Road bike riding for hours at a time, mountain biking, tandem riding: Wear a helmet

Yes I could fall off my bike doing any of the activities, to me at least the risk profile is clearly different. As @mjr says, compulsion is a bad idea.

We do have a specific "Helmet discussions" sub-forum ;)


Legendary Member
One of the benefits of giving up motorbikes in 85 and returning to cycling was not wearing a helmet I hate anything on my head and it has got worse over the ensuing nearly 40 years even hill walking I'm loath to put a hood up even in pouring rain preferring to wear clothes that keep me warm albeit not so dry. I suppose I'm lucky in that at 62 I still have a full head of hair and that keeps the worst off.


Legendary Member
I wash an "early adopter" as it were and started searing one in the early 80s. I distrusted the polystyrene helmets so wore my caving helmet (climbing helmet) as its hard shell gave me a lot more confidence.

Some years later, influenced by posts on here or the other place, referencing proper statistics I was swayed by the evidence and stopped wearing one, as the benefits seemed slight. Specifically, I was influenced by the stats showing the head injury rates pre-and post compulsion in New South Wales and Ontario which showed no improvement. Moreover I was troubled by a lot of the campaign propaganda by safety do-gooders which were blatant lies essentially by quoted numbers from papers discredited decades before - the ends evidently justifying the means. I have almost been persuaded in their merits a couple of times by new papers but so far when I've actually read the paper, it turns out once again to be not merely flawed but wilfully misleading. I can't believe the flaws could be other than deliberate, they are so bad.

One particularly bad one nearly had me convinced. It was from Australia and compared head injuries vs other injuries pre-and post compulsion. This seemed pretty good as a relative reduction in the proportion of head injuries would surely be good evidence of efficacy. When I read to check, they had chosen dates years adrift from the date of compulsion so it looked like blatant cherry-picking of data till it met their needs.

To an extent I'm at the stage of not wearing a helmet as a bit of a political act as the risk of compulsion is pretty high despite the evidence that it is of marginal or no benefit on average.


Über Member
Not worn one for years. People have given up questioning it.
slow horse

slow horse

Active Member
We do have a specific "Helmet discussions" sub-forum ;)
This is where I posted it. Even so, it had to be approved by a moderator. Who'd have thought helmets would have turned into such a toxic subject! I occasionally get asked about my daredevil ways and usually mumble something about rotational injuries, but like @slowmotion, it's mostly down to comfort. As per @Profpointy it's also a mild political act.


Started wearing one about thirty years ago and have carried on since. On at least two occasions I've been thankful for this habit, the more recent occasion, I was knocked out cold for at least twenty minutes as a result of the rear end impact by a car. :eek:
The GLW has trashed two bash hats when she was side swiped by cars at junctions; her priority on both occasions. :dry:
However, I still see it as personal choice.


Legendary Member
Started wearing one about thirty years ago and have carried on since. On at least two occasions I've been thankful for this habit, the more recent occasion, I was knocked out cold for at least twenty minutes as a result of the rear end impact by a car. :eek:
The GLW has trashed two bash hats when she was side swiped by cars at junctions; her priority on both occasions. :dry:
However, I still see it as personal choice.

This is the stopped wearing them thread.

The I wear them and love them thread is thtaway----->
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