stolen bike on ebay?

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Cycling in the sun
I'm not sure - I mean if I was given a bike that had belonged to a relative 5 years ago before I started cycling again, I'm pretty certain I would have ended up writing something vaguely similar with no knowledge of the subject.


Legendary Member
near Hornsea
I think if it was a thief they would probably have more than 1 bike for sale, or sold other bikes previously. I quite like the look of the bike though :smile:


If you think Ebay is bad - have a look at Gumtree (also owned by Ebay) every other bike looks dodgy. I've seen Dawes Super Galaxies for £100 and less, from guys who say they are
bike restorers but don't know what a derailleur is...


Legendary Member
Never say never, but only a chump would nationally advertise with photos a pic of a bike as distinctive as that.


I know, you'd think they would be found out but maybe they just sell quickly and no one knows. I went to buy one of these from a guy in Bournemouth, and he pulled a fantastic top of the range Galaxy out of the back of a grotty van, Mavic wheels, expensive tyres, SPD pedals - clearly owned by someone who knew about bikes - and when I asked where he got it from he said: 'A friend.' I said, 'What was his name?' He said 'Uh - can't remember at the moment...' He wanted £100 for it. It was probably worth about £400. When I didn't buy it - he took it to a car boot sale in Dorset, where someone probably thought they were getting a bargain! Perhaps they were...


Active Member
No I don't think it has because one side has stickers on and the other hasn't also one side looks original
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