Steel frames

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New Member
I'm toying with the idea of getting a Roberts custom steel frame on that Cyclescheme thing. Not really up on the finer points of steel frames, so have a couple of questions. Is there any advantage to lugged or fillet brazed? I know roughly what to expect with Reynolds tubing, but how does Columbus compare? (in particular the Spirit and Life tubesets)

Thanks in advance


I think its just cosmetic nowadays. They will all be good so its down to personal choice.


Rare Migrant
Fillet-brazing allows more flexibility in frame geometry, but tends to come at a price.
I'm not what you might call au fait with Columbus tubesets, but a custom builder will be able to advise you and may well end up mixing and matching different tubesets to best suit your needs.
Dave Yates ( has a pretty good article on what to consider when designing a steel frame. Click on the linkfrom his homepage for his "Choosing A Frame" article.


New Member
Ta, I was thinking of a lo-pro track bike, so may have to go with fillet brazed if lugs are only avalible in a limited range of angles.

My work isn't running the scheme until December, so might be a bit early to contact the builder about tubesets. Also I wanted to get a rough idea before talking to him, don't want to appear completely ignorant.


nothing in moderation
i take it you'll be using the track bike to commute with :biggrin:

doesn't the cyclescheme's ts and cs specify that the bike should be used for commuting purposes?

easy enough to say that you'll commute on a carbon framed road bike, but a fixed wheel bike with no brakes? they'll have health and safety after you :idea:


New Member
Yeah, there is that. :biggrin: In fact it gets worse, because of the £1000 limit I'll only be able to buy the frame and I won't really be able afford to build it up straight away. But I've checked with the bike shop (it has to be through the LBS as Roberts aren't part of the scheme themselves), they're happy enough to supply a track frame through the cyclescheme.

Anyway my way of looking at it is I've already got a perfectly good commuter and I've been commuting by bike for years and years, so why should I miss out when all these johnny-come-latelys are getting a tax break?
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