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New Member
Thought to introduce myself to the forum...
The names Andy and I'm middle aged and looking to get back into cycling after nearly a thirty year gap. I had french racing bikes in my youth but sadly drifted away, more interested in cars and motorbikes. Until now, age has finally caught up with me and what better way to get fit again than to cycle. Ok, yes its not quite thirty years not in the saddle, i've had various mountain bikes (Which I've generally and foolishly) used for road work.
My father afew weeks ago aged 77 turned up at my house on his Ribble racer, circa 30 years old. I had forgotten all about it, where had be been hiding it. Anyway that was it, I had to get myself a Ribble and a vintage one at that. What have i ended up with? yes the complete opposite end of the spectrum and Ribble Stealth V1 frame. So the fun begins, I'm looking forward to building the bike (see my other posting, i need advice) and getting into the saddle once again. So i'm not starting easy with an easy build, wish me luck.
Welcome. I think you will be astonished by the advances in technology in road bikes in 30 years. I know I was when I bought a modern bike after years of steel.


Über Member
Hi and welcome Andy nothing wrong with an "old" bike after all these are what we grew up with lol,but as @Apollonius says the advances are something to behold like brifters instead of suicide shifters a far better (and safer) idea ok I have most likly opened the "can of worms" with that statement but to me comfort and safety are more important than the correct retro look.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Hello. Welcome to the forum :welcome: enjoy the experience of getting back out there on your bike.


World class procrastinator
:welcome: to CC.
Very big on piccies here :thumbsup: Enjoy.
:welcome: to CC @looxuser :thumbsup:

Building a bike is easy. As long as you have the right tools for certain jobs it's a doddle, honestly you'll surprise yourself IMO.

Just remember that YouTube and CC are your friend, and if in doubt ask, there's no such thing as a stupid question, allegedly ;)

FYI - these are my go to videos for gear set up and bar taping, and they show the quality of videos that are available, but there is some dross as well ^_^



New Member
Thanks for the welcomes folks.... I'm setting myself a target to build this bike as chepaly as possible with second hand but matching bits. I'm not tight just fancy the challenge and I have bags of time to do it in and of course ebay.
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