sram brake lever popped out.

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As long as I breathe, I attack.
As you probably know due to my crash my RH apex shifter is bent, LBS said £210 to fix so untill i can get the cash together i will attempt to fix it.

The shift lever is bent but still works so i will have a go at bending it back as it is bent is such a way that you cannot put the brake lever back on.This will weaken the lever i know but if i can get it to work untill i can fix it properly i am happy enough.

The brake lever has popped off with the pivot pin still in it but does not look bent, is it just a case of levering it back into the pivot holes or is there any springs inside i need to reconnect?I assume that the return spring in the brake caliper is what pulls the brake lever back to its home position?

Thanks for any input.
You can try but be prepared to use some 'harsh words'. It can be a right pig of a job.
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