SQLab 602 Active Limited Edition Leather Saddle.

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I have been using one of these saddles on my touring bike for the last couple of years and find it extremely comfortable. http://www.sq-lab.com/en/sqlab-products-en/sqlab-bicycle-saddles-en/trekking-en/sqlab-602-leder-active-trekking-saddle.html#.VcCUcTdwbcs

Having been told production of this limited edition leather covered version had ended, I purchased some of the last ones made. Having sold quite a few and wanting to keep two back for my own use I now only have two left. So if you want one of these act now.

The cost is £57.50 including postage. Originally they were priced at £92.00

Fuller details are here on my website: http://www.bikepacker.co.uk/sales.htm

Email me: alan@bikepacker.co.uk or pm
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