Spraying aluminium - need to match Trek blue metallic

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Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
I'm going to fetch my dad's Christmas present Trek 7300 when I get back from Hong Kong next week - currently it's 'hidden' in the bike cage at work since SWMBO doesn't know I'm keeping the Python Impact MTB I supposedly bought for him :whistle:

Overall it's in pretty good nick, with nothing major except one of the front forks - it's got a big scrape on. The forks are aluminium (I think) but I'd like to spray it before handing over at Christmas.

Any suggestions please on how to do this?

Can I get a matched paint from Trek or in Trek colours? Also, could I get the 'Trek' transfers for the forks?

TIA, David
Metallics are hard to match, my father has a slightly different colour door on his car when you look down the side of it and it was a professionally done. Painter reckoned the problem was a much the way the clearcoat interacts as the paint colour. Have you thought about spraying the forks in a contrast or complimentary colour instead?
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