Taken in ASDA today, this is why you should not buy a bike from a supermarket
Alembicbassman Confused.com 16 Jun 2011 #1 Taken in ASDA today, this is why you should not buy a bike from a supermarket Attachments ASDA.jpg 40 KB · Views: 464
W WychwoodTrev Well-Known Member Location Wychwoods Oxfordshire 16 Jun 2011 #3 Whats wrong with that it gives a shorter wheel base with lighter and better turning lol
HLaB Marie Attoinette Fan Location That little part of Scotland known as Peterborough 16 Jun 2011 #4 With the fork on that way, can you go faster backwards
S screenman Squire 16 Jun 2011 #5 I sure hope you pointed it out to the manager, if not which shop and I will speak to them myself.
tyred Squire Location Ireland 16 Jun 2011 #7 Perhaps that's a wonderful new fork design? We could all be riding around with reverse rake forks in a few years...
Perhaps that's a wonderful new fork design? We could all be riding around with reverse rake forks in a few years...
Deb13b New Member Location Co. Durham 16 Jun 2011 #8 I think it's part of the design, its a bike for rebels, people who go against the grain...... Heehee
I think it's part of the design, its a bike for rebels, people who go against the grain...... Heehee
A Atyl1972 Active Member Location Newquay 16 Jun 2011 #9 thats priceless, you should email them and let them know what buffoons they deal with
Jezston Über Member Location London 17 Jun 2011 #10 I spotted the mistake before I even opened the thread! "It's going to be a high street bso with the forks the wrong way round again isn't it"
I spotted the mistake before I even opened the thread! "It's going to be a high street bso with the forks the wrong way round again isn't it"
D DCCD Über Member Location South Ayrshire 17 Jun 2011 #11 The forks are fine...its the handle bars that are on the wrong way