shane said:
hiya im 14 in 2010(by the time i do this i will be 15) im going on a sponserd bike ride to somewhere (not sure yet ideas more than welcome) and i was just wondering if anyone had done somethink like this and hopw should i go about doing this and what shall i do shall i get my bike droped of somewhere and ride home from that destination or ride to and from the place im going im not really sure what i got to do or anythink please help me im desprate to do my bit for charity (any charity ideas welcome aswell)
thank you if you ca help me if not thnx anyway
Deal with one step at a time shane.
Dont worry about getting there or back until you know where you're going.
I was more worried about whether i'd manage the distance (50 mles in my case when i was only doing 15 mile rides at the time), so about a month before, i started to ramp up my mileage each ride, taking care not to ride too much (you've got to recover as well, to get the best out of yourself)...although at 15, you shoudnt have too many problems.
In the run up, eat well, eat good food and build yourself up.
My first big ride was a worry for me...i need'nt have
Have a look for the British Heart Foundation rides. They do them all over the country in the summer. A good cause, and the day is not a race, no-ones timing you, you take as long as you need...and there'll be plenty of kids, mums, serious riders...everyone. Its a good mix that's well attended.
Well done for wanting to do it BTW.