Spinning classes

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Active Member
Well, so far August seems to be a bit damp. I'm getting out on the bike as much as possible but I think we may be in the last couple of months of decent cycling weather :sad:

As someone who probably still grinds more than he should (I'm getting better, honest) and doesn't really want to go out in the wet, and especially not the snow, do you guys think spinning classes over the winter would be beneficial?


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester


Active Member
Yes at any time, if you can stand the music (or rather noise)

Can I take my iPod?

I suppose the question I'd have is, would spinning classes help improve my performance on the road? It's not one of those things where it's a different type of skill/training/exercise that isn't really transferable/beneficial to proper cycling? Am I making sense?

I'd hate to spend money on classes only to find, aside from a little (much needed) weight loss, there isn't any real benefit.


Über Member
i'd recommend spin classes for good cycling fitness. You won't need your i-Pod. It's normally led by an instructor who shouts instructions / encouragement / abuse etc. and is accompanied by loud dance music to set the pace.

Good fun but my oh my, it's hard work.
Paul L is right, it can be hard work. Between January and the start of May I was going twice a week for the 07:15 sessions then weight training for an hour afterwards. Each instuctor in our local gym has their own routine and music to go with it and yes one or two will tell you to get of your buttt and work if they think you are not doing enough but they also say at the start of each session that you have to work at the rate that suits you. Now I have just come back from a moderate 10 mile road round and I found that as enjoyable as the spinning but I did not sweat as much.


Bexley, Kent
I'm a regular spinner, been doing it for a couple of years now. It has definitely improved my fitness, helped with weight control, helped me increase my bike cadence considerably, and enabled me to meet new people - including a good few other cyclists, who are now regular riding partners. Also, it's a real laugh, and great fun. However, it's not a substitute for bike miles, so don't think you can put your bike in the shed for the winter do a few spin classes and then be road fit in the spring. Also, most gyms will have several instructors, so try several different classes, with different instructors, and I'd recommend getting along to a few different ones until you find one who's style you like and which has a friendly crowd.



Legendary Member
I hate spinning; Mrs Gti once succeeded in dragging me along to a class and I grumped and glowered all the way through. I hated being berated by some noisy bird with a microphone, I ignored her routine and just sat and spun (span?) and when she came round to encourage her class she got to me, looked into my eyes and moved smartly on without saying a word. The worst of it is that you get sweaty and you have to handle the seats and handlebars left sticky by the previous user. Yuk!

I do concede though that it is good for fitness when conditions are really desperate outside. Any other time I'd rather battle the elements and get wet.
I love spinning!

And I can't wait for the winter months when I can get hot and sweaty again at the gym/spinning studio!

If you get a good instructor (one that doesn't shout above the music all the time) then you'll have an enjoyable and demanding work-out.

It does help liking the music, but just switch your mind of and give it some!


Legendary Member
I've not done a class for quite a few months - and I have no idea if it helps "real" riding as I wasn't a cyclist until recently, but I really enjoyed the classes and felt like they were doing my fitness the world of good. I'll definitely start doing them again this winter :smile:



New Member
in devon
i will be giving spinning a bash come winter time as know wont be out on my bike so much and hopefully will help improve my cycling


Note to all the men here - the vast majority of spinning class goers are women. Now most of us are generally fitter than the average bloke, so we find ourselves in the position of having an oversupply of women and probably being fitter than the other blokes the women see. Just for the moment I can't think of any reasons *not* to want to go spinning. :-)


Über Member
Note to all the men here - the vast majority of spinning class goers are women. Now most of us are generally fitter than the average bloke, so we find ourselves in the position of having an oversupply of women and probably being fitter than the other blokes the women see. Just for the moment I can't think of any reasons *not* to want to go spinning. :-)


This is also another reason i do pilates, and that is usually one or 2 blokes for a class of 15 ish.:biggrin:


Über Member
Auld Reeker
I just 'survived' my first spinning class ;0)
People aren't exaggerating when they say how hard it is. I almost kept up with them but the standup/sit-down sprint reps beat me after a while. I'm hoping that if I make it a regular thing it'll help strengthen my legs.
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