Spin bike versus turbo

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Bexley, Kent
Thinking for getting something for home. I've been doing spin classes for a number of years now and really enjoy them. I've never used a turbo trainer. Budget isn't really a problem, and I want it to be a good quality build, but I need something that will be suitable for other people in the house too, not just the hard core cyclist. I'm leaning towards a spin bike, just because it seems more flexible for multiple users and could be less faff than a turbo. But I may be wrong.

So, CycleChat peeps, what are experiences and if it was you what would you choose?
[No need to state the obvious about getting out on my bike (which I will still be doing), or going to spin classes (which I will also still be doing)].

Cheers all.


Über Member
Tacx Turbo + a cheapo "turbo bike" is my option - total cost £350 - used approximately 100 hours a year for 4 years with no problems apart from the odd puncture :-).
I have a quick release seatpost clamp and an adjustable stem which means I can easily share the bike with my, shorter daughter when she is home. In my opinion spin/gym bikes are horrible things that simply don't feel "right".


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I have a cheap but rugged spin bike. I like it though I do not like its short BMX-style cranks and flat pedals. I would prefer conventional cranks and SPD pedals. The other problem is that it seems to be designed for short people. I am only 6' 1", so not exactly a giant, but the saddle at its highest was about 4 inches too low for me. I had to do some DIY on it to raise it to a usable position.

If I could afford a really nice top quality spinning bike, I would definitely buy one. I liked the Lemond range when I was looking a few years back ...


Senior Member
I have a Lemond Revmaster spin bike. it's super smooth and quiet as it uses a multi v drive belt. Also, it's micro adjustable rather than in steps like a Schwinn and I can get it set up very similar to my roadie.
I'm getting rid now though as it's just taking up space and I'm just using rollers for everything. Plus it's VERY heavy.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
I've got rollers and I did have a turbo (GB155 has it). To be honest, I found them extreamly boring. It's useful if you have an injury that stops you riding on the road - e.g. broken wrist, and can be a useful training aid if you are disciplined, but I'd rather just get out on the bike.

I'll probably try a few spin classes at my local gym over the next few months - more something to do and that's a bit fun, as I have a gym membership.
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