Speedplay Zero adjusting question

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Active Member
I wanted to ask regarding the adjusting float. Which wrench key are you using to turn the 2 adjusting screws on the side of the cleats?

Also is there any way to adjust the attached / reengage level of the pedal to the cleat or it is a fix things (i mean how easy or hard is to release or attaché the pedal to cleat)

Thanks for all comments.

I am here: http://tapatalk.com/map.php?lchdmo


Active Member
Just use a small phillips screwdriver to adjust float release tension not adjustable


Active Member
Is it common to those of you who deal with the Zero to have it difficult to turn the float adjustment screw because it a bit stuck and it grained the screw head? I got a new cleats and 1 out of the 4 screws has this issue not by opening but by turning it inside to minimise the float rate.
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