It looks big compared to the Edge 200. The allure of the Edge 200 is that it is small and discrete. Also I am not sure that the Bryton offers more features. The smaller Garmin devices (200 and 500) have 3-5 screens that can be customised, they also offer navigation by means of a course file and also support power meters, not sure if the Bryton device offers such features?
Well I just picked up my 35 today, it has all you just mentioned about the 500it is 70mm by 50mm (edge to edge) so not much bigger than my current speedo ( I think I mentioned this one b4
Specialized Speed Zone Elite Cadence Computer 50% ) it displays 6 fields on a screen which can be modified to suite what you want, and three screens so 18 fields in all,I will list them if you want, but I am sure you can guess, it shows as the 500 does a bread crumb trial, turning way points and distance to said way point. HRM cadence speed and power, a barometer altimeter, my buddy rider (got to figure that one out) £108 at
Evans at the mo, sort of knocks the 500 into a cocked hat really, though on the down side from what I understand using data straight of the garmins is easier. There other quirks toit too like it does need charging b4 you connect to the pc, I will let you know what its like after a ride tomorrow if you want, I have put an easy ride in that I all ready know so I can compare how it does to what I know., the 20 does pretty much the same but only 3 field per screen and i am not sure how many screens, but also hrm cadence speed (not sure about power) for 99 at Evans with hrm, 89 without. Now as you know the 200 doesn't do hrm or speed/cadence (or am I wrong) and again not sure about the course route thing ( I don't think it does) but really that's not what they are aimed at, if you want satnav the 50 will give the 705 & 800 a run for their money at 170 from Evans.
A couple more thins about the 35 you can have 5 screen 3 with data and 2 graphic ones the course trial and a gradient view, though the last two are only visible on the course route as it has the co-ords and data. As i say I only got it today and charged tonight so I cant comment on how it performs, from what others have told me its pretty spot on, it even gets a lock in the house where as my phone doesn't (yea I know old phone, but you would use a new one just for gps tracking would you, well since it don't get used as a phone anyway, cant stand mobiles)