SPD to LOOK Keo - not sure if there is a problem

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The first clipless pedals I bought were some Shimano SPD's with some recessed cleat shoes. After a while I found these easy yo use, but they started to make my feet sore/numb on long rides. A friend suggested trying Look Keo pedals with some road shoes. These are now fitted on my bike, and whilst they seem OK, there is a lot of play (more than my SPD's) and they unclip far easier (it feels too easy to me). I have adjusted the tensioning screw to the max. but it does not seem to make a difference. Is there a problem with these pedals or are they supposed to be like this. BTW the pedals are not new (given by a friend), used only a small amount, and I have new grey cleats.


Proud Daddy
sounds like the cleats are worn out. If anything, especially wound up they should have less play.


Dog on a bike
It sounds like you may be using Look Keo cleats with Look pedals if they unclip very easily. The Keo cleat (and pedal) is a slightly smaller version of the Look pedal.


Hi Again,
Sorry for the confusion, the pedals are Look Keo Classic and the cleats are brand new look grey. I have just finished a 40km ride on them, and they are easier to get out of than my SPD's, but maybe it is just because I am used to the SPD's, or maybe the Look pedals are more worn in? Just guessing I suppose, but I did like them, feet not numb at all, whereas with my SPD's, my feet were numb after about 20km.


Man or Moose!
Try cranking up the tension. There is a hex key bolt/grub screw with labels showing which way tightens and which way loosens the tension.


Mancunian in self imposed exile in leafy Cheshire
I suspect that the loose feeling if it is side to side movement you are reffering to is the "float" They are designed like this. Can you pull out of the pedals by pulling up while clipped in?


Man or Moose!
I suspect that the loose feeling if it is side to side movement you are reffering to is the "float" They are designed like this. Can you pull out of the pedals by pulling up while clipped in?

You are probably right, I neglected to even mention it since I jumped straight to the idea that the float doesn't feel particularly loose on a new set of cleats, no side to side slop like with very worn cleats, as known from experience, obviously, the OP doesn't have that experience of these pedals so indeed the side to side play may be the float.


Mancunian in self imposed exile in leafy Cheshire
I think that grey have 4.5 degrees of float so a reasonable amount of side to side movement. I don't ride with SPD's though so can't compare. Certainly on my Keos I have the tension fairly high but with the grey cleats I can rotate my foot from side to side freely.


Proud Daddy
Hi Again,
Sorry for the confusion, the pedals are Look Keo Classic and the cleats are brand new look grey. I have just finished a 40km ride on them, and they are easier to get out of than my SPD's, but maybe it is just because I am used to the SPD's, or maybe the Look pedals are more worn in? Just guessing I suppose, but I did like them, feet not numb at all, whereas with my SPD's, my feet were numb after about 20km.
Your feet going numb will be the shoes not the pedals. It's caused by a compression of the nerves between the metatarsals in your foot.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
These are the lower end Looks so I'd go with light tension as a default. I have Look Delta pedals, but the top models, and they are very very tight compared to SPD.


Thanks for all the info. guys. I knew there would be some movement, but I guess I did not expect it to be this much. I have the tension as high as it will go, so I guess they are just well used. No really an issue for me though.

Your feet going numb will be the shoes not the pedals. It's caused by a compression of the nerves between the metatarsals in your foot
They are the same shoes as I used with my SPD's (capable of taking SPD and Look style cleats), so why would they go numb with SPD's and not with the Look pedals. Maybe it is due to the larger surface area of the Look cleats?
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