Oh dear. Does'nt surprise me though. As for these signs in general, personally I hate the bloody things. They may deter people from cycling fast in that area where people are vulnerable but in reality they're just another tool for the little hitler policeman and psco's. Most are ok but others have no common sense. Common sense dictates that if you're going
slow on a bike and make yourself aware u are extremely unlikely to hit anyone. They're like taking a sledge hammer to a walnut.
What makes it even more amusing is that it links in with the Basepoint centre where theres a little cyclepath there. Often there are cafe signs on it, blocking it, or cars parked... and you get to the end and there is no official "End" marking or dismount. But apparently thats what you're meant to do. You see plenty of people (responsible, slow riding people too) who just ride through thinking it continues under the subway.
Then theres the subway under Castleway, I think it is. It comes out by waterstones cafe area. No "End" signs etc, so I presume you're allowed to ride through. I'm waiting for a PCSO to leap on me, LOL! Never had any problems with pedestrians down there moaning, although weirdly on the actual green, kerbed path I have had people grumble (them walking on the thing as I approach and slow, then wait for a safe time to pass)