I'd like to try to find a way of comparing my performance over the months and years and I'm sure there must be a way of adding miles to feet climbed to come up with an overall measure of effort, which can then be divided by time. For example on last night's Wednesday thrash my buddy and I rode 17.7 miles with 1030 feet of climbing in exactly one hour. A couple of months ago we did exactly the same route but took 65 minutes. so how can I create a factor of performance by which to compare these and other different rides?
Naismith's is a rough and ready guide to walking and even that has corrections fro grade of climb/decsent
Very difficult to do for cycling with out some horrendous maths taking into account gearing, wind resistance (both head wind and speed related on descents), bravery on descents (40mph down Box Hill or 15mph riding the brakes?) etc etc
I log all my rides on and Exel spreadsheet and for a while included ft climbed to give a ft/mile number for each ride. It did not take long to realise it was a pretty useless number
A route with a couple of thousand feet of climbing is very different if the 2000 feet comes as 4 Box Hills and flat the rest or all in gently rolling terrain.
And that is a ride with the same ascent and descent (ie home to home). Gaining or losing a net number makes the sums even more complex