Charge Spoons are liked by many and was one that worked pretty well for me but I didn't like the raised nose.
I tried 5 saddles before finding the one I liked.
First I sorted my bike fit so i wasn't getting sore legs/arms etc so just left with sore bum bones.
Then I worked out what width I needed - got my bum bones measured on the pad that Specialized dealers use - mines were 125mm centre to centre so no point looking at saddles only 130mm wide as my bones would have been right on the side edges so went looking for ones about 140 mm min but 150mm ideally.
When sitting on saddles I found how flat I liked it across the width - too curved and the middle pressurised the soft tissue between my bones.
Next I worked out that I liked flat saddles front to back as ones with raised noses tended to give me numb nuts syndrome! Different angles helped minimise this but a flat saddle front to back eliminated it completely but you still need to consider saddle angle - I always started with a new saddle completely level.
This really helped me short list potential saddles plus I was lucky that my LBS let me borrow a couple of test saddles which helped me work out how much padding I needed.
One last thing I realised was that the pain I was getting was from road buzz through the frame and sitting in the saddle too long - needed to stretch my legs on little inclines etc on long runs. So all this helped me find the rather expensive but very comfortable Selle Italia Max Flite Genuine Gel.
Hope this helps you find your perfect fit