Some give between fork and wheel

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I'll try explain this as best I can, and I'll get a couple of pics up as soon as I can.

The problem is with my front wheel. When I take the weight of the frame in
my hand there's a bit of a judder and it feels like something is loose. I removed the wheel, the stem and the drops. I couldn't see how I would remove the fork, and didn't want to make things worse so just put everything back together. I was hesitant to remove the brakes.

I probably just need to grow a pair a d take it apart, but what do I need to do to get the fork off the frame, and does it sound like my problem is a loose bolt?

**Title should be 'some give between'. Duh
**Title may be a but misleading, but hopefully someone gets the gist of it
Sounds like the headset needs adjusting and greasing. If you rock the bike back and forward with the brakes on, do you feel any play/hear any noise. If you pick the front end up and turn the handlebars do they turn freely or are they a bit notchy/stiff.

If any of the above is true then if you loosen the stem bolts so the handlebars spin freely and then undo the Allen key bolt at the top of your steerer tube, the forks should drop down exposing the bearings. At this point you can grease the bottom race and top race then use the top Allen bolt to re-apply the correct tension to the headset such that there is no play and no stiffness. Then you tighten the stem bolts back up.

The above should become clear if you Youtube, adjusting headset bearings. Sometimes when you loosen it all, the forks don't drop. A swift tap with a rubber mallet or even your palm will break the seal, just put something under the forks, so they don't drop far.
Looks like the headset has worked a little loose and needs a slight adjustment - it's dead easy.

All you need to do is unscrew the bolts holding the stem to the steerer.

Then make sure that that everything is central (like pic2 and not like pic 1).

Then tighten up the top cap until the play disappears but before the bars are grabby when moving.

To finish re-tighten the stem bolts tightly and that's it.


Thanks. Will fiddle around when I get home tonight.

Is the bike safe to ride as it is? I've used it for a few days since I first noticed the problem.


I'm trying to put everything back together again, but I can't screw in the bolt below the stem cap - It's just not connected to anything. The steam cap screws into the bolt below, but they're just hanging loose.

Anyone know what I've done wrong?
I'm not quite sure what you've done to be honest. However the stem cap bolt screws into the star nut which you will see inside the fork steerer (look down the tube) , okay? Now if the bolt doesn't reach you have two options.
1. get longer bolt
2. Drive existing nut down further and replace with a new one thats not driven in so far. There is a special tool for this.

option 1 is obviously easiest. If there is a problem with the star nut then it's option 2.
Then set handlebars square on to fork and tighten up stem bolts to correct torque.

Now this assumes that your forks are steel or aluminium or carbon with an ally steerer. If its a carbon steerer then you have a 'bung' which while it does the same job as the star nut, is different in operation.

If I've misunderstood what you were trying to describe, never mind.


I can only think that I've lost the star nut as I'm pretty certain there's nothing there. I did think something had come loose when I was riding the other day


I can only think that I've lost the star nut as I'm pretty certain there's nothing there. I did think something had come loose when I was riding the other day

If you remove the top cap and look down the headtube you'll see if the star nut is there. If it has fallen out (which seems very unlikely TBH, unless someone's fitted an under-sized one) you need to replace it. This is a fiddly job IME, though things like this are available.

The item I've linked to (and other similar things are available) is easy to fit, but, IME again, doesn't work as well as a traditional star nut.
If you did have an expander and it has dropped down then either replace or take the forks off completely, grab hold of the drop outs, raise the forks above your head and then swish down violently (NB -do this in a confined space with no windows).


I'll smash the crap out of the thing after work tonight.

Sucks. First day in 3 weeks I haven't commuted.

Thanks for the help, folks


Followed Pete's advice and took the fork off completely, and the expander / bolt popped out. All back in one piece now, but there's still a little give, though not as much as before. To be honest, I just wanted everything back together again - at least now I know what to do.

Thanks everyone


New Member
If any of the above is true then if you loosen the stem bolts so the handlebars spin freely and then undo the Allen key bolt at the top of your steerer tube, the forks should drop down exposing the bearings. At this point you can grease the bottom race and top race then use the top
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