Here's a nice bit of kit - a Mavic Ksyrium SL SSC front wheel in great condition.
It dates from around 2006/7 but has been lightly used - about 3 seasons worth of brake wear to the rim I'd say so around 3 more seasons wear in it (then you can sell the hub and spokes on eBay for £10-20 or get a new rim).
It is still true and doesn't appear to have been used in winter.
If you are unfamiliar with these - the Ksyrium SL's are pretty bombproof lightweight wheels (this is 700g without skewer) which are great for hills as they don't flex and the hubs are silky smooth.
It dates from around 2006/7 but has been lightly used - about 3 seasons worth of brake wear to the rim I'd say so around 3 more seasons wear in it (then you can sell the hub and spokes on eBay for £10-20 or get a new rim).
It is still true and doesn't appear to have been used in winter.
If you are unfamiliar with these - the Ksyrium SL's are pretty bombproof lightweight wheels (this is 700g without skewer) which are great for hills as they don't flex and the hubs are silky smooth.