No problem Rob. A recumbent trike has been great for me in keeping me cycling. My shoulders become more painful if I put pressure on them for more than a few minutes - so I can ride my conventional cycle up to a few miles max. The trike relieves this completely so it is great for me......but that's not to say it would work for everyone. A trike is harder work than a bike - 1 extra wheel to create drag. It is also going to be heavier and the position of the rider isolates the leg muscles so that you cannot use body weight, which combine to make hills hard work. Other disadvantantages are a 50% increased risk of getting a flat tyre. Storage and transportation can be more difficult, and some cycle paths have squeeze points that make it almost impossible to get a trike through. Finally there's the cost - even 2nd hand they command a high price. Despite the negatives, there are some huge advantages. Great fun, great fun,great fun and did I mention that trikes are great fun? No more clipless moments (recommend using clipless still because there is a nasty thing called foot suck where a foot slips off the pedal and gets ran over by the trike causing severe injury. Stopping wherever you like and always having a comfortable seat to use. One falacy I should dispel is your fear of increased SMIDSY incidents - the opposite is the case. On a trike you tend to ride further out into the road - which is the part of the road motorists scan looking for other cars. When they see you on a trike, you immediately have their attention, but because you are an unusual occurrence for them they approach with much greater caution. I have been riding a trike for about 4 years now and covered in excess of 8,000 miles in that time. I can only recall one occasion where I thought a car should have given me more room.....and it was a police car! Have a look in the HPV and Recumbent section on here and you will find that the other bent riders will report the same.