^ Rack load
Is that 5kg per M5 fixing ?
4 per rack = 20kg total
No, it's total load on my Orro
^ Rack load
Is that 5kg per M5 fixing ?
4 per rack = 20kg total
I've been on a tarmac tour where one of the group had a hook ripped out of her pannier by catching it on an obstacle narrowing the cycleway, and that in a country much more cycle-friendly than England. I've seen too many riders brought to abrupt unplanned dismounts by panniers catching on anti-cycling barriers on Sustrans routes, but those have been less damaging because we almost expect it and tend to slow and coast through the obstacles, bracing ourselves for the crunch ☹️The only practical issue ever quoted is claims to catch your panniers on the sides of the gnarly single-track one is riding ... well fine, but that doesn't really ring true for people touring on tarmac:P
I've seen too many riders brought to abrupt unplanned dismounts by panniers catching on anti-cycling barriers on Sustrans routes,
You may jest, but unnecessary crashes are a serious threat to cycling levels. If a rider is injured badly enough that they have to stop riding for a while, about a quarter never start again (IIRC) which is slightly more as a proportion than those whose cycles are stolen. Not all pannier clonks result in injury, of course, and I suspect tourers are keener to resume than most, but complaints about poor cycling conditions are often met with advice to use the right kit for the ride, so I don't understand the fuming and sarcasm about people trying to find kit suitable for their bikes and our width-restricted routes. 🤷It's an epidemic!Will cycle-tourists ever escape this menace? Its an existential crisis, no-one is safe!!!
A four year old video but might be of interest
View: https://youtu.be/Y4f5LtA7bWU?si=22ygV13RqcsExjjR
Overall as well, I do like the Tailfin system a lot
You’re aware the Tailfin is just a rack?