So, who's waiting for the bombshell . . .

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I'm optimistic about cycling, it gets unfair treatment from an ignorant media and I think the doping war can be won.


If the nightmare scenario mentioned did happen, the sport would suffer for many years to come.


New Member
There was an article in the Mail on Sunday which states that there is still a shadow of Alberto Contador following Operation Puerto. Although he has been cleared by the Spanish authorities they are still waiting to review all the documentation seized.

I don't think it will come to anything though.


According to that statement by c.prudhomme society tdf - contador was supposedly mentioned in telephone list towards recent wins...:thumbsup:


Contador was mentioned in Puerto in relation to other riders. His name appeared twice. There is nothing "new" to come out of Puerto re Contador.


Noodley said:
Contador was mentioned in Puerto in relation to other riders. His name appeared twice. There is nothing "new" to come out of Puerto re Contador.

Nope, noting new. He's implicated. He rode for Liberty Seguros (alonside Vino and co.). He's a protege of Manolo Saiz. Now rides for the reputable Discovery team (past riders 'I've never tested positive' Armstrong and paragon of virtue Ivan Basso).

I read recently that ASO have pictures of all the Tour winners in their head office up to and including 1995, as after that there is suspicion surrounding the winners. My feeling is that they won't be adding any more portraits tonight.

Keith Oates

Penarth, Wales
We've had enough bad news of late, let's not go looking or speculating on any more. If there is something untoward going on then when it's known we can comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
Bury, Lancashire
Worry about it if it happens. It was really great to see a young 'un win! Taking something he shouldn't wouldn't have made him into a winner anyway. He did that by himself - and with a lot of help from a great team too, of course.
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