So Un-decidedon on Which Bike!

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Some of you may know (especially those of you that have given me some past advise) that I'm looking to buy a new Bike! But, I'm so undecided (fickle) in my choice; and continue to look at and read about a multitude of makes and models! So, would you mind if I asked your assitance (Help) and knowledge in seeking out the best possible Road Bike (at a bargain price of-course) to suit? I'm looking at 4, bikes at present; and still browsing others! Anyhow, here are the four bikes I'm considering at present > :

A Focus cayo at Wiggle - a Demo at £880, Your valued opinions please?

A Cube GTC Agree on sale (Best Price) found at £1349, or a Demo at £1190, Opinions Please?

A Trek 4.5 on sale at £1350, Would really like your input on this model?

A Trek 3.1 on sale at £1150, this is the bike I keep going back to look at! Hope to get lots of feedback on this bike? please!

Maybe you could suggest other makes that you consider a better buy (at a lesser £-price) for a lightweight carbon framed bike? any help would be very much appreciated Re, pro's and con's - value for money etc.

Thank you



Legendary Member
Have you had a test ride on any? Surely the only way to really choose? Are you looking for agreesive or more relaxed 'sportive'?

Planet X seem to offer good VFM too

And wasn't your budget £500 originally? :whistle:


Have you had a test ride on any? Surely the only way to really choose? Are you looking for agreesive or more relaxed 'sportive'?

Planet X seem to offer good VFM too

And wasn't your budget £500 originally? :whistle:

Yes! The budget is being stretched! Was hoping to get some opinions of the bikes I'm looking at; perhaps by someone who owns one of them!

I'll certainly go try a few bikes, but at the moment, I'm getting a bit like that kid in a sweet shop, not knowing what to choose!


Planet X you say?



personally i would go with one of the treks or cubes because it is easier to get it sorted if something goes wrong.

the cube agree gtc bikes looks good.

I think your correct! but would be nice to get some feedback from someone who owns and rides these bikes.


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