Some of you may know (especially those of you that have given me some past advise) that I'm looking to buy a new Bike! But, I'm so undecided (fickle) in my choice; and continue to look at and read about a multitude of makes and models! So, would you mind if I asked your assitance (Help) and knowledge in seeking out the best possible Road Bike (at a bargain price of-course) to suit? I'm looking at 4, bikes at present; and still browsing others! Anyhow, here are the four bikes I'm considering at present > :
A Focus cayo at Wiggle - a Demo at £880, Your valued opinions please?
A Cube GTC Agree on sale (Best Price) found at £1349, or a Demo at £1190, Opinions Please?
A Trek 4.5 on sale at £1350, Would really like your input on this model?
A Trek 3.1 on sale at £1150, this is the bike I keep going back to look at! Hope to get lots of feedback on this bike? please!
Maybe you could suggest other makes that you consider a better buy (at a lesser £-price) for a lightweight carbon framed bike? any help would be very much appreciated Re, pro's and con's - value for money etc.
Thank you
A Focus cayo at Wiggle - a Demo at £880, Your valued opinions please?
A Cube GTC Agree on sale (Best Price) found at £1349, or a Demo at £1190, Opinions Please?
A Trek 4.5 on sale at £1350, Would really like your input on this model?
A Trek 3.1 on sale at £1150, this is the bike I keep going back to look at! Hope to get lots of feedback on this bike? please!
Maybe you could suggest other makes that you consider a better buy (at a lesser £-price) for a lightweight carbon framed bike? any help would be very much appreciated Re, pro's and con's - value for money etc.
Thank you